Federal Skilled Trades Program

Federal Skilled Trades Program

Canada’s Federal Skilled Trades Program offers permanent residence to skilled workers who are qualified in a skilled trade.

It is managed through the Express Entry system. Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) conducts draws aimed specifically at Federal Skilled Trades Program candidates.

The following jobs qualify for the Federal Skilled Trades Program under the National Occupational Classification:

Federal Skilled Trades Program Requirements

1) Language

Candidates are required to have Canadian Language Benchmark 5 for speaking and listening, and 4 for reading and writing in either English or French.

2) Work Experience

Candidates must have at least two years or full-time work experience, or an equal amount of part-time work experience, in a skilled trade (see above) within the last five years.

The work experience only counts after the candidate is qualified to independently practice the occupation.

Candidates must meet the job requirements as set out in the National Occupational Classification, except for needing a certificate of qualification.

3) Job Offer

Candidates must either:

4) Education

There are no formal education requirements for the Federal Skilled Trades Program. However, candidates can add their education credentials to their Express Entry profiles to increase their score, making them more likely to receive an Invitation to Apply.

5) Proof of Funds

Candidates must show they have the required funds to settle in Canada.

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